NO scientist "believes in science". That’s the opposite of how science works. We accept current knowledge, but are skeptical that we know all that we need to know and look for ways to detect problems with our knowledge.

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You're starting this piece with hypocrisy, using the term "climate change denialism"! This was deliberately coined to pretend that reasoned, evidence-based criticism of the main stream, often faith-based climate "science" was similar to Holocaust denial so that questioning scientific establishment agreed narrative became beyond ther pale.

The people who coined it literally said they were trying to conflate CAGW sceptics, including, you know, a Nobel laureate atmospheric physicist, with Holocaust deniers.

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I can never find anyone who’s expositions are as incisive AND gracious as Leighton’s. What a gift.

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"Follow the science" makes a good bumper sticker, but doesn't necessarily translate to good public policy, if for no other reason that 'science' rarely speaks with one voice.

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I mean, if you read a lot of what gets published these days in peer-reviewed scientific journals, you can understand why they'd rather you just blindly take their word for it. LOL Take this shameless insanity for example: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34039063/

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I was taught at a young age to question everything, and it was okay to do so. Today if you question something or someone, it's considered that you don't believe in science or their political views, or your racist, or any other thing without the answer. There is something deeply wrong in this society today because of the lack of questioning and getting answers

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Democrats are a zealous cult mob. They believe in only one thing - power - and are fanatically devoted to obtaining it by any means.

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To paraphrase two time Noble Prize winner (medicine) Hans Selye (from his book In Vitro): "There are two kinds of scientists: problem finders and problem solvers. One problem finder can keep dozens of problem solvers busy for decades."

When a problem finder appears suddenly on the scene, s/he is often reviled for being totally ignorant of "what we know." Why?

Because this "finder" raises questions about "what everybody knows." This is often done by questioning a fundamental assumption underlying the work of the "solvers." The finders soon realize that if their bedrock assumption is invalid, so might their years of research be wrong and their future bleak.

Think global warming: current dogma holds that human-produced CO2 is the main driver of GW. In spite of the failure of models to accurately predict temperature increases over the past 30 - 40 years (think of the models as an hypothesis to be tested against empiracle observations, not as scientific data), the dogma is so strongly believed that it's practically impossible to challenge.

What this means is that studies that focus on CO2 increases to explain the warming trend are far more likely to get funded by government agencies than natural causes of GW (such as the influence of the sun) because such government funding is dependent on peer review . . . . and peer reviewers are mainly "solvers."

Or so I'd argue.

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One of the interesting things about Albert Einstein was that the German empiricists wanted to flay him alive. This phenomenon I call "Value Meme Conflict" and occurs when two different social groups or individuals possess a large enough differential in complexity of thinking that they view the other as incomprehensible or worse. This is a big part of what is going on with the Pro-Fauci and Anti-Fauci scientists -- one group are authority-driven and belief-based, the other are far more rich and complex thinkers. But because we've been raised with the myth of "science is science" we simply don't have the mental models to understand the conflict, or its virulence. Here's a start: https://empathy.guru/2020/10/07/the-memetic-wars-have-truly-begun-empathy-in-the-time-of-coronavirus/

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These is no "faith" in science. We take on faith what cannot be proven.

Science is based on what can be proven.

If you want to guess, use faith.

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Everyone talks about this RACE problem and says that this RACE problem will be over when the third-world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into WHITE countries.

Everyone says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” that is, intermarry, with all those non-Whites.

They’re pushing White Genocide!

They claim they are “anti-racist”, what they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

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In spite of the "man made climate change aka global warming" Mars and Venus are heating up at the same rate as Mother Earth. In fact, some leftist asshole duly noted that "climate change" was the reason we can';t colonize Venus. Huh. I wonder how many SUVs and Petrochemical Facilities were there to make the planet unlivable.

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“This is not science; it’s politics”

“ad-hoc ethical rationalization”

Very succinct and very on-point

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The people we really need to trust are the engineers. They are asked to take the most settled science such as Newtonin physics and produce results that are practical, affordable and safe. When we talk about adversely mixing science and politics that is something that is hard NOT to do when less than 2% of the 535 members in the US congress have science background and zero have any engineering background. Compare this to the party leadership in China - where 95% of the members have science and engineering degrees (mostly from the best US colleges). This is why China makes everything. We (the West) actually trust China's engineers to design and run the factories that make the products that Amazon and Walmart deliver.

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Pinterest belongs to this "religion". They removed my account permanently because I was posting science that opposed the official narrative. Not medical advice, mind you - science - scientific papers; videos with doctors advocating for early outpatient treatment (with a drug they love to hate that is on the NIH list for treating COVID). I call them "Pinterest Pravda" now. They told me (after the fact) that I was posting "misinformation" and that only CDC and WHO qualified as legitimate information sources. The thing is that government is precisely the wrong place to look for information because they have their own *DISinformation* campaign going. I look to those who are willing to discuss things the government wants us to ignore - such as the amount of adverse events that there have been and the fact that they have stopped other vaccines at deaths as low as 25. With these vaccines, there have been thousands. Like Facebook Pravda, they allow truly insane posts about everything, including science, but if you dare disagree with the official narrative, they'll take you down. You're not allowed to discuss truly scientific articles that have a different viewpoint. And science demands that there be vigorous discussion. It's not science if you can't discuss it. It's a religion; it's dogma.

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Wow. It’s Plato’s Cavern today. More than ever.

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