Sep 7, 2021Liked by Leighton Woodhouse

There's a reason you are one of the few political writers I still follow on here, and it's thanks to posts like this. I'll confess: I took ivermectin a few weeks back, but not for COVID-19. Rather, I've been dealing with a neurological disorder for the past year and a half (I presume it's formication; that's the closest thing I can find). My local doctor didn't find anything in my labwork, and I don't have the insurance coverage to do further treatments and testing. Needless to say, it has been hard on me, feeling these sensations every moment of the day, and he had seen that this could potentially help with my symptoms. It didn't, but I appreciate his willingness to try to help, as it's not common. All of that to say - I took my dosages for a few days, no side effects. I'm good. It's a drug that's been used all over the world with little to no issues, and even if the evidence to help with COVID-19 may not be conclusive, the fearmongering towards the drug is appalling. So thank you for helping break through the BS, because Lord, it's getting crazy out there.

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You nailed it here, Leighton. Tribalism at its worst and the media are the puppet masters, driving a wedge between the camps and cheerleading for evermore hatred. I fear we have entered a mass psychosis and a vicious cycle of media/PH stoking more fear and depending on the direction of the political winds obfuscating the data to tell the freedom/liberty triumph over COVID (Florida, Texas) or aggressive models depicting huge increase in cases resulting in public’s compliance with stricter NPI measures while blaming the unvaxxed. Where does the truth lie? All of this at a time when confidence in our public health agencies is at an all time low. What a nasty brew this is, Leighton!

PS Enjoyed the discussion with your doctor friend. Thought it was a well balanced discussion

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Thanks for this article. I was originally going to write a comment not necessarily defending the "haters" but maybe arguing that the reason why people are so upset about people talking Ivermectin is that it is being used as a reason not to be vaccinated, which may have larger public health repercussions (which I am not an expert on). But I think hating and shaming people has to stop and the media has to be much more careful before they publish such stories which involve normal everyday people . I know so many people who I respect who are arguing the benefits of shaming innocent people for the sake of the greater good and this is really worrying me. I know someone who was forced to resign from a job recently because of a media story about an ethics complaint that was targeting their higher-ups but charged them with suspicion of being complicit. After they resigned, they were cleared of any wrong-doing but I was surprised how the writers of this story (and their defenders) said they knew that they didn't do anything wrong but they continued to press the story because of the larger fish they hoped to catch. I don't think these people are aware (or maybe they don't care) of how much this story continues to haunt them as they still can't find a suitable job. This probably happens a lot but just am surprised how many people now are defending such actions "for the greater good".

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Apparently you can still catch, transmit, and get ill from the virus even if jabbed. What's gonna happen when vaccine mandates hit and health workers who refuse it are fired? How will those people be replaced?

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Wait -- why wasn't I informed that you had a Substack? And don't respond by showing me all the times you tweeted about it -- that's a classic Russian disinfo/deflection strategy.

Anyway: I'm so pleased to have the chance to support your work directly! I'm also happy to get in during this six-month period before your Substack blows up and the comment threads become 80% troll posts.

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Slate star did this story so much better .... update priors then update priors then update priors

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