This is a good article, and I’m equally concerned that people will vaccinate and make policy based on perceived versus real risk of COVID in children. The case for vaccinating children between 5 and 11 isn’t solid because the relative risk of covid to children is much lower than adults. Since March 2020, approx 5.82 in a million children age 5-11 have died from covid vs 74.64 per million in young adults (18 to 29), and the risk rises precipitously in each age group, based on CDC data in mid Oct 2021. It’s very clear that the 1,500 child Pfizer trial was not sufficient in determining whether there are greater risks from vaccination or covid, considering that we do know myocarditis was a rare but real risk in 12 to 17 year olds with rates as high as 57 per million. The marginal risks of vaccination is a more important question to answer for children because the disease itself is significantly less deadly.

I expect greater vaccine hesitancy among parents who may—and justifiably so—want to wait and see more data before vaccinating their children. I also expect vaccine advocates to shun vaccine hesitant parents. Unfortunately, the anti-vax and pro-vax culture war dynamics will intensify due to this decision.

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Everybody else on here has already said it all, but this is a particularly brave article, so thank you.

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Great article as usual, and I'm glad that you're opening a discussion on an area that would otherwise be silenced in mainstream debate. My biggest question on this is the 'unknown vaccine longterm effects'. I know that argument was deployed against the adult vaccine rollout and countered by the 'historically vaccine side effects manifest within 6 weeks, since we haven't seen anything drastic in that period they're safe aside from very rare side effects that are still more likely to occur from getting plain old covid'. The miscarriage concern also has from what I've seen been disproven. I'm no medical expert, I'm making very general statements based on my surface level understanding of what 'the experts' have said, but I guess my lingering question is, are the arguments against vaccinating kids the same as those that were deployed against adults? I'm a person who was onboard with the initial vaccine but had reservations about kids getting it, but if most of the arguments against it are the exact same as those for the vaccine I got then I personally am comfortable with it (mandates of course are an entirely separate issue, as is natural immunity).

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The long-term side effects argument is the same, yes, but it takes on a different valence for kids, because they have more to lose from them (as they have more life ahead of them), and also less to benefit from immunity (since getting Covid is going to tend to be no big deal).

The miscarriage stuff I have not followed closely at all, but the doctor I interviewed believes it's a serious concern and I thought it was worth representing that perspective. I might look into it more.

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Children and fetuses are still developing, which is why I believe these populations should be regarded differently from adults. Though I'm not a doctor.

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Thank you Leighton for sharing this excellent information, particularly the details of the FDA Discussion regarding this.

Is there any transcript available of the FDA Discussion?

I would like to share information with medical colleagues

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Thank you, Sally. I don't know if there's a way to download the full transcript, but there's captioning that's filterable by speaker and searchable: https://www.c-span.org/video/?515531-1/fda-advisory-committee-recommends-pfizer-vaccine-children-ages-5-11

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Yes. My kids are healthy. I'm a physician & I'm not giving my kids the COVID vaccine. They have ALL their other vaccines. All the routine childhood vaccines. I don't support anti-vaxxers regarding routine childhood vaccines. But this vaccine is different. This vaccine is not meant for children. It really should not be given to them, at this stage, at this time.

The risk of COVID to kids is very very low. The risk of side effects of the vaccine is much higher.

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Brilliantly written! Dr. Larry Kwak, Dr. Steven Rosen and Dr. Charles Bennett have impeccable credentials. NO ONE can dispute! The truth hurts but the protection of children is #1!!

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If they were so concerned and acknowledged that there was very little benefit and much more risk why even approve it knowing how political it already is. What a world

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Just giving the benefit of the doubt I think they were in a really tough spot because even though they didn't want to authorize it for all kids, they also didn't want to prevent parents who need it from having the option. And they were only allowed an up-or-down vote.

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My god, what a mess.

So is this really about Big Pharma filling their boots, as people like Jimmy Dore insist? It's getting harder and harder to say no. I always say, never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity, but simple stupidity no longer explains what's going on now.

I'm vaccinated because I'm old and why not (and I got as sick as I've ever been after the second shot, so I probably won't get the booster; and I'm going to get COVID someday anyway, just like the rest of us, so what's with all these shots?). Giving a new GMO vaccine to kids who wouldn't get very sick with COVID anyway is a little crazy. Giving it to pregnant women, who are supposed to avoid alcohol, tobacco, people who smoke and a hundred other things, is fucking nuts.

Giving it to high risk people seems a little more sensible, but reasonableness was defenestrated by the national cultural half a decade ago.

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Thank you for writing and sharing this.

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One quibble: “inoculate” suggests a small portion of a live virus being introduced to the blood stream, and that is not at all what’s happening. Inoculation has not happened in decades, from what I understand.

I’m not fully understanding why people are so worried about long term side effects; I’m not sure what those would even look like. (I can hear someone saying “that’s the point! We don't know!”) but the mechanism is very well understood: The vaccines are introducing mRNA which the body responds to by making antibodies. Which eventually themselves die off; but there’s (hopefully) memory T cells remaining. I can’t wrap my mind around why this would be scarier than people, say, taking Ivermectin, which is has known toxicity and is an actual drug (which the vaccines are not).

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Yeah I had the same reservations about using the word but unfortunately the English language hasn't yet developed a vocabulary for this new technology. I did look enough to see that "inoculate" is commonly use wrt to even this new vaccine, even if it's lightly misleading.

The long term side effects could look like an auto-immune disorder, according to the doctors I spoke to. I'm not super concerned about long term side effects for my middle-aged self, but even the remotest of possibilities concerns me for my infant son, especially given that Covid is such a negligible risk for him.

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Did they give any indication of the mechanism that would cause an immune disorder? Like, why would the introduction of mRNA be different than a kid merely encountering the virus in the wild?

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This isn't coming from them, but just me speculating: if the vaccine instructs your immune system to go after spike proteins, if it's an imperfect system you could imagine your immune system in the future attacking something it believes to be toxic spike proteins but is in fact something benign or beneficial that merely resembles them. That could be the genesis of an autoimmune disorder. I don't have the scientific training to really say. But I do understand that we're talking about highly complex systems; things can go wrong in ways we don't have the imagination to anticipate.

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Hmm ok. In order for that to happen, there would have to be an error your body makes in decoding the mRNA or in the translation of it, which is exceptionally rare.

In an extreme simplification, the mRNA would present a code for the SARS-Co-V2 spike protein, let's pretend it's BABA, in which every B from the mRNA gets translated into an A in the antibody, and every A into a B.

So the mRNA would tell your body "BABA" and your body would make "ABAB." But it's not just a matching game; they fit together, like puzzle pieces. So your body would have to sub a piece that didn't match, which is extremely difficult to do and rare, like slotting an incompatible puzzle piece.

So for the body's immune system to "mistake" some other material for SARS-CoV-2 and start attacking it, there would have to be a mistranslation of the mRNA, a mistranslation that in fact resembles something else entirely, and then it would have to reproduce that mistake.

I'm of course not saying this couldn't happen. I'm saying the rarity of it seems infinitesimally small.

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That may be the case; I'm not trained or qualified to understand it. It's something I'd have to spend some time researching and learning about.

But I would say that when you're talking about something extremely rare, you have to stack that up against the fact that billions of people are getting this vaccine. Something that's a 1/1 million chance starts to add up when the number of cases is in the thousands of millions.

And I'm not necessarily saying it *would* be that rare.

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