Jun 27, 2021Liked by Leighton Woodhouse

Bookmarking this one for future reference. Seriously, really well done. Thank you for taking the time to write this.

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The only thing Twitter seems to be good for is interacting with and influencing the media and the beltway class of workers. They are all on it, and most of them obsessively. It is out of touch and entirely worthless otherwise, especially through partisanship, it's just a big echo chamber. But I can tell you as someone who was in the midst of the anti-mask groups that came to power there, it created real clout that influenced the events which led to you being able to take off your mask about two years prior than when Fauci had in mind.

Facebook is even worse. In general, these are anti-social platforms which we are better off in our lives in keeping off of or at least go long spells without them often. All they do is box us into opinions that keep us from expressing what we feel is true, and enforce groupthink to keep in your tribe. As you state.

Substack has a much more open avenue of nuance and discourse. Glad you started writing here, and looking forward to reading more.

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great write up, demonstrating self-awareness.

reclaim your freedom, ditch the mask in most circumstances. people are afraid, and most follow the herd. the more people act rationally - the faster we can pull our selves from this cognitive ditch.

the evidence is available: N-95s when worn properly are effective at preventing the wearer from contracting viruses when around ill persons. healthcare workers donning PPE when working with patients ill with infectious diseases is a well established protocol for decades for this reason.

for the rest of us - the protocol we should follow is: if you are sick: stay home/quarantine.

A cloth mask may help prevent you from spreading a virus a small amount if you need to spend time indoors with others and are pre-symptomatic or symptomatic.

A cloth mask may offer some/limited protection to prevent you from catching a virus if you are stuck indoors with a pre-symptomatic or symptomatic person.

wearing a mask outside is nothing but theatre.

North Dakota & South Dakota exist. vastly different lockdowns measures w/ near identical covid cases & death curves. similar comparisons are readily available btw TX/FL & CA/NY/NJ.

See for yourselves: https://www.covidchartsquiz.com/

agree- twitter is not real life, and has quickly devolved into a cesspool. it definitively drives division hate inc (matt taibbi book) & social dilemma (netflix documentary) style.

most social media co's now have open policies of propping up dying media because alternative media was taking over as people tuned out the propaganda and sought the facts for themselves.

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If you're living in a bubble, maybe you should leave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrayKdQl6hY

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